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Derek Nguyen

Ajax, ON

Derek Nguyen, is a passionate proponent of environmentalism and social justice. With his brother, he co-founded Operation EcoPen, in order to facilitate the recycling of writing instruments such as pens, markers, and highlighters. Over the years he has involved himself in various environmental initiatives within his community such as with the Durham Environmental Advisory Council and the Toronto Wildlife Centre. Currently, he is also a member of the Ontario Nature Youth Council, where he leads, plans, and participates in events that aim to promote the preservation of Ontario's natural ecology. Derek's Sprout Ideas Fellowship project is to use houseplants and native pollinator plants to promote environmental sustainability and well-being among seniors and other at-risk individuals.

Pollinators for Seniors

Pollinators for Seniors is project that looks to use houseplants and native pollinator plants to promote environmental sustainability and well-being among seniors and other at-risk individuals. It also aims to address declining pollinator populations and social isolation by collaborating with TSWL which will provide uplifting greeting cards generated from upcycled materials.

About this Project

Communities Served

My project will involve and/or impact the following communities:

  • Senior citizens
  • At risk youth & children
  • Vulnerable individuals (e.g. those experiencing addiction, abuse)
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Multi-barrier populations

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

When it comes to community impact projects, the UN has created 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These are the Sustainable Development Goals associated with my project.

  • SDG 3: Good health and Well-being
  • SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
  • SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • SDG 15: Life on land
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

How the project works

Cultivated houseplants and pollinator plants to uplift the mental well-being of at-risk groups, utilizing seed packets and reusable containers for planting. Distributed 200 pollinating plants and TSWL (To Seniors With Love) cards to elderly care homes to promote both pollinator health and the emotional wellness of seniors and community members

Project Impact

The project successfully increased habitat for pollinators and enhanced biodiversity in the community. Moreover, the distribution of 200 houseplants and pollinator-friendly plants positively impacted the emotional well-being of seniors residing in long-term care facilities, shelters, hospitals, and schools.

Project Mission

The mission of the project is to create green spaces to connect with nature, promote pollinator habitat, and uplift vulnerable individuals in long-term care homes, community support centers, shelters, and schools.

Project Team

Derek Nguyen leads Pollinators for Seniors in Collaboration with TSWL.

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