Frequently Asked Questions
When does the fellowship start?
The Sprout Ideas Fellowship will kick-off on Wednesday, April 5 with a live virtual orientation. This guided learning experience will run between April 2023 and January 2024.
Who is eligible for the fellowship?
Canada Service Corps youth microgrants recipients are eligible to apply for the Sprout Ideas Fellowship.
How many people can receive a fellowship?
This opportunity is for up to 250 youth aged 15-30 as of the date of their application.
If I am selected for a fellowship, would I have to start my project right away?
You can begin implementing your volunteer-led project right away. The first 3 months of the Fellowship program will be dedicated to providing you with resources, tools and learning. In July, the focus will shift to coaching, peer learning and mentorship to support you as you further establish your project.
Can my project exist within another organization or club?
As the Sprout Ideas Fellow, your community impact project must be at least co-designed and managed by you with a team of volunteers. You must be the one accountable for the project for the duration of the Fellowship program. You can engage with other organizations or entities as partners or fiscal sponsors.
Can I apply for the Sprout Ideas Fellowship for a project that is different from my Rising Youth project?
Yes! For those who want to start something new, the fellowship will enable you to incubate a new project. We begin the 10-month journey in April with formalized learning and concepts to help you define the mandate, goals and tasks to establish your initiative. In July, the program will shift to focus on project implementation and scaling with coaching, peer learning and mentorship to support you.
Can I apply for this Fellowship if I took over the #RisingYouth project from the original grantee?
In order to be eligible for this opportunity, you must have received a #RisingYouth microgrant as the lead applicant of the project or are a Canada Service Corps alumni and were involved as a team member in co-designing, incubating and/or launching the project supported by #RisingYouth community grants program.
What is the deadline to apply?
Applications are currently open until February 28, 2023 at 11:59pm PT.
Will travel or vacation impact my eligibility to participate in the Fellowship?
Short-term travel and vacation shouldn't impact your ability to participate so long as you are submitting assigned deliverables, actively engaged and meeting deadlines built into the Fellowship program. All Fellows are assigned a Fellowship Support Coordinator (FSC) and it is important to keep your FSC looped in on changes to your regular schedule.
What are the dates of the live virtual sessions and how long are they?
Live virtual sessions are 60-minutes long taking place on the following dates. The English sessions take place: Wednesdays at 6:00pm Eastern Time on April 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 24, June 7, 21, July 12, 26, August 9, 23. The French sessions take place: Thursdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 13, 20, 27 de avril, 4, 11, 25 de mai, 8, 22 de juin, 13, 27 de juillet, 10, 24 de août.
How will matching funds be applied?
Each Fellow will be able to use a designated fundraising platform to engage in peer-to-peer and crowdsourced fundraising. TakingITGlobal will provide matching donations for up to the first $1000 you independently fundraise through the platform.
Am I still eligible to participate if the project I hope to run will end before the official end of the Fellowship program?
Absolutely! The goal is to help you develop and launch your project. The first half of the Fellowship will build skills, network, community and connections to support you. The second half of the Fellowship is focused on self-paced, independent project implementation. If your project wraps before January 2024, it will simply mean that you can begin reporting back a bit earlier.
When will we hear back after submission of our application?
Thanks for applying! We will be reaching out to applicants following the official application deadline on February 28. We hope to be able to connect with everyone by March 10, 2023.
Are there supports available for me as someone with a disability?
We invite all applicants to identify any potential barriers and supports they feel would be helpful for us to know so that we can offer appropriate resources and support. We will work with you on an individual basis to ensure participation, timelines and activities are adapted to create a successful Fellowship experience.
How long are the Peer Learning Circles and when will they take place?
The Peer Circles are 60-minute meetings with groups of 10 Fellows that will run on a monthly basis between September 2023 through January 2024. The specific day and time will be determined through mutual availability.
Can my project cater to a specific community?
Yes. Your project can centre and serve a specific community. We encourage you to explore ways to invite others beyond that community to support, champion or participate, where appropriate.
Is a Community Reference required and what would their role be in the project?
A Community Reference is considered a best practice through not a requirement. The role of your Community Reference can vary from simply being a connection, part of your support network or more actively involved in mentoring you and incubating your project.